Sunday, May 19, 2019

A Human's Role in the Environment

"We are now the dominant feature of our own environment... for better or for worse" (Thomas 915). This quotation is certainly true because of how humans utilize the Earth as personal consumption and a source of energy. Doing this allows for human development and civilization to thrive for future generations. In fact, it is seen by many that the use of our environment for benefits is a moral duty and social necessity for progression. Solely based on the passage, it is evident that humans were given specific roles when regarding nature. However, Lewis still believes that humans are still searching for their true role within nature. This passage argues different sides of viewpoints of how beneficial nature is to human beings.
Image result for a human role in environment protection
To begin with, certain humans are not fond to the view of individuals being overdependent on nature for their survival. These individual are disgusted with others who believe that nature is completely beneficial for humans to thrive off of. They prefer to see themselves as saviors because of how much they conserve the natural environment. Lewis argues that these people do not rationally think at the margin primarily because of how difficult it is to live a life without using some part of nature.
Also, certain people overuse the environment for social benefits. These type of people are more rational thinkers and therefore tend to thrive more in life. Even though they tend to harm the environment through their practices, it is more beneficial to social progression than without utilizing the environment at all. Hence individuals who overuse the environment are better suited off in life than people who conserve nature despite being as harsh as it sounds.


  1. Your view on how there are different people on Earth who consume resources in different ways is very true. Some individuals do not understand the concept of preservation/conservation, but they often times are individuals who are better off. With the benefits received by overusing resources, do you think that it is worth conserving the environment at the expense of losing productivity?

  2. Throughout your piece, identifying the role nature plays in the relationship between those who use nature's resources too much and those you do not use these resources is described in detail. This was successfully done, as it ensured the readers gained a strong understanding of this argument's point of view.

  3. I think that your argument is effective in encouraging people to take better care of the environment. You discussed how people who conserve the environment are better off in life and this makes this lifestyle more attractive.
