Sunday, November 18, 2018

Scooby-Doo Parody of The Crucible

Once upon a time, Scooby-Doo and the gang were traveling to Salem, Massachusetts for an award ceremony to recognize their achievements. The gang was so excited to finally be recognized for their greatness and they were planning to do so many fun things together in Salem. After that long car ride in the Mystery Machine, Shaggy suggested to stop at a gas station so that he could get some food. So Fred stopped the car and the gang went into the gas station to get some food. Nothing unusual occurred at the gas station until when the gang was checking out their food to pay and the cashier warned them of the dangers of Salem. The gang just laughed and returned to their car and drove directly to the award ceremony. When the gang arrived they sat in their assigned seats and waited for the speaker to begin speaking about the schedule of the evening. Just before the speaker began to start his presentation, the lights went out and a person inside began to cackle like a witch. Everyone inside the award ceremony began to scream to an extreme. All of a sudden the lights turned on brightly and the speaker, John Proctor, has gone missing. The gang knew that they had to solve this mystery of who captured John.
Image result for jeepers scooby doo jinkies

Immediately Fred told the gang to split up and look for clues. Everyone began to interview everyone who is still in the awards ceremony. People the gang interviewed were Abigail Williams, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Parris, Tituba, Mary Warren and Elizabeth Proctor. After listening to all of the suspects, the gang concluded that whoever captured John must have been influenced by witchcraft. There was no person who could have been identified from the interviews so the gang split up and began to search around the large dining hall. After a while searching the place Shaggy began to notice a chained up room with the words, "DO NOT ENTER" written across it. Obviously, Shaggy and Scooby breached into the door and discovered John Proctor locked up in chains with tape across his mouth. After Shaggy and Scooby released him from the chains, he told them that Abigail Williams did this to him. Therefore, the gang arrested Abigail without testing anyone else. Abigail's last words were, "I wanted to open myself.. and free myself from god.. I wanted to dance with the Devil" (iii). Shaggy was quite confused by what she was talking about but he does not ask questions. So Abigail was arrested and the gang finally got their award of recognition.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Is the practice of McCarthyism the reason for chaotic actions presented in Act One of the Crucible?

Witchcraft. Is it real? How is it used? Who uses it? These questions are hard to answer correctly in the early 1900's. People at this time tend to turn on people for being a so called "witch." Sometimes claiming a person to be a witch could solve many problems in society at the time.
Image result for mccarthyism memes
The topic of witchcraft is correlated to McCarthyism. McCarthyism is the practice in the United States of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence. In Act One of The Crucible, witchcraft and the practice of McCarthyism was evidently shown through the actions of most of the characters. Even though it was clear that both witchcraft and McCarthyism was used in Act One, was McCarthyism really the reason for the paranoia that was spread throughout the community? 
In both the play and the film showed in class, the practice of McCarthyism was the main reason for the people of the community in Salem to act paranoid over witchcraft throughout Act One. People of this community justify the process to find witchcraft and destroy it can be shown through the quote, "The witch-hunt was a perverse manifestation of the panic which set in among all classes when the balance began to turn toward greater individual freedom" (I.5). Considering that people of the Salem community justify the horrific actions of exterminating people who are claimed to have a relation with the devil, these people are very scared of witchcraft without there being any proof that it even exists. Since, McCarthyism revolves around the idea of making assumptions about people that have not been proven to be true, this is very similar to the disgusting accusations made in Salem that has harmed many in their community.